How Often Should Kids Eat Fast Food?

By : | 3 Comments | On : November 16, 2018 | Category : Adults, Babies, Kids, Seniors, Teens

Fast Food

Four quick tips to help your family make healthier fast food choices. 

By: Jodie Shield, MED, RDN

Friends, I have to get something off my registered dietitian nutritionist chest. Fast food doesn’t really bother me. Of course, it’s greasy and salty. Yes, the portions are outrageously large with enough calories to feed your entire family! But as a parent, I understand it’s quick, convenient, and allegedly affordable. (I’ll get to that in a minute!) And thanks to a recent trend, many chains now offer healthier items like grilled chicken sandwiches on a whole grain bun, apple slices, and low-fat milk. Good to know, especially if you’re out and about having fun with your family and fast food is your only option. Frankly, what bothers me about fast food is why people choose to eat it every day – – teens especially! Studies have linked eating fast food with childhood obesity. Not only is it dangerous for your health, but what about your wallet? When my teenage kids started paying for fast food out of their allowances, they quickly figured out money management. They could save a lot more cash to buy gas or iTunes if they brought lunch to school and ate meals at home with family.

From one parent to another, rather than pass laws about cup sizes or heavily tax fast food, why not apply some good old parental common sense?  Slow down the fast food!  In my book Healthy Eating, Healthy Weight for Kids and Teens, I provide a variety of tips and strategies to help families limit fast food to less than once a week – that’s the current health recommendation.  Here are a few pointers from the book on how you and your family can eat healthy at fast food chains.

  •  Look for “light” menu items.  Most fast food chains offer at least a few lower calorie choices and will often feature them on the menu board under catchy names such as “fit” or “fresco.”  Note: some chains feature organic meats, but these are not necessarily lower in calories.
  • Downsize portions.  Choose the regular-size rather than the double, triple, or super-deluxe option.  The larger the portion, the more calories, fat, and sodium.  Also, regardless of your child’s age, go ahead and order a kiddie meal.  They come in smaller portions and include healthier sides.
  • Be slather savvy.  Order burgers and sandwiches without the mayonnaise or special sauce.  Depending on the portion, these sauces can add from 10 to 400 extra calories.  If your child wants the flavor of the condiment, order it on the side and let him or her spread on a tiny amount.  Better yet, use lower calorie sauces such as mustard or ketchup.
  • Let them play.  Choose fast food restaurants that offer a play space where kids can get some physical activity to help burn off any excess calories.

Fast food doesn’t have to be fattening food.  Parents let’s teach our kids how to eat fast food responsibly. Looking for some quick and healthy recipes? Download my FREE app Eat Healthy Homemade Meals in Minutes.

Photo Credit: fast food iStock-871254830.jpg

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Comments (3)

  1. posted by Mike S. on November 16, 2018

    Fast Food doesn’t bother you?

    • posted by Jodie Shield on November 19, 2018

      Not unless it’s an everyday thing. Also where you eat matters.

  2. posted by Katie West on December 3, 2018

    OMG! Thanks a lot for sharing such an informative page about “How Often Should Kids Eat Fast Food?”. I have read your valuable page and gotten much information. I have learned a lot from you that I did not know before. I confused for choosing the Baby Fast Foods information what would be the best for everything but now my confusion has cleared by your review. Thanks again Jodie and Keep it up………..


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